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Random Fun

Random Fun

or just plain weird!

FMyLife - If you thought you were having a bad day

MulletJunky - Mullet it!

Nationalgeographic - Great pics and stories from our wonderful planet

Theoatmeal - The Oatmeal, good before during and after breakfast

Jamiemuehlhausen - Men who look like Kenny Rodgers

Textsfromlastnight - Whoops...

27bslash6 - for pie charts & very funny reads

Newsthump - Like Fox news, but better researched and way funnier

Grist - Environmental and climate change stuff, enlightening and scary

Thepoke - Great British satire

Boredatwork - Really good at work

Theonion - What is really happening in the "land of the free"

Flyswatter - Fly swatter, mildly compelling

Boredpanda - Bored Panda-arty stuff

Pointlesssites - The daddy